Addygirl NW Talent Scout

Addygirl is soon to hit the Red Carpet as an actress, television personality, entertainer and a sex symbol. Shes gaining fame for her appearances on "Behind The Riff" a New NW MTV Reality Show. Singled out Addy was selected as one of the News Casts on the Northwest Talent Reality Show which exposes original Artists and Local Bands from Portland and the Vancouver area. Addy is meeting with many local Musicians, interviewing them while attending Live Venue Performances.

"I am Learning a lot about Music and Television" Carmen Electra Move Over! says Addygirl.

Addy is known for her Sexy Entertainment Clothing Wear, selling to a large variety of retail outlets and to all the NW entertainers. Recently Addy became the New Editor and Chief of
"NW Exposure Magazine" she working to convert the magazine to advertise monthly, on local talent forums, monthly excursions shuttling a group of sexy females wearing Addygirl Wear, as a costumes theme to the featured Nightclub advertised in the magazine. Addy also plans to scout out local individuals that deserve to be exposed for their talent and gifts. So.... keep your eye out for Addygirl, she could be looking for you, to interview on television or publish your talent in her magazine or to possibly take you with her to the RED CARPET!